Monday 19 October 2009

Se7ven opening scene

Se7en (1995)

Titles: Se7ven tittles are amazing, they build tension and are really creepy and eerie to watch. They do seem like they are meant to go with a horror film, but after watching the film I feel they are appropriate. The tittles are inspiring to everyone trying to make the opening sequence of a thriller movie, they capture the audience from the very start so we don't loose interest and give an idea to what we can expect from the movie. With the different pictures and actions going all happening its hard to takes your eyes off, by using some quite disturbing pictures it raised my interest level. Using a red light effect three times towards the end of the tittles this tells the audience that we are going to see some gory images to go along with the intensive planning of the killer which we see in the opening tittles. There is a really intriguing part of the tittle sequence towards the end where we see a boys face and the killer rubs out his face with a thick black pen, I thought this was really effective in showing what kind of person the killer is, and was really scary how someone has a sick and twisted mind to sit there and do that.

Shots: We have a thew POV shots in the first par of the opening scene, This is like as if we are looking upon the scene.
Lots of POV shots from Morgan Freeman help to show us how organised his character is when we see his keys and his badge and other items perfectly lined up on the table.
The crime scene opens with a shot of the dead body and blood spillage around it, The camera slowly pans up around to the room to show how vile and horrifying the murder was. This shot was really effective in capturing the audience and creating tension.
As Brad and Morgan's characters first meet we have lots of close ups and two shots to help show there emotions to the crime scene and each other.
As Brad and Morgan walk talking down the street the camera pans along with them, looking at a upwards angle. I loved this shot as it is interesting and as it can include both of them shows both of their reactions to the first time of them meeting each other which is very important to the story line.

Movement: The camera is always fixed and steady. The pans and tracks are very smooth and finish softly. This a complete contrast to the dialogue in the scene which is edgy and of course the murder which is horrific and sloppy with blood up the walls. However you could make a link between the organisation of the camera to Morgan Freeman's character where they are both very organised and run smoothly, that Morgan's character is just like the camera runs smooth and fixed and presentable but what it sees is completely the opposite.

Generic Themes: During the dialogue in which Morgan and Brad share when they are walking down the busy street of New york, we are made to subside with Morgan over Brad as when Morgan walks down the street and it is raining he is not bothered by the rain and as he walks on the outside he also avoids the busy crowds flooding the opposite way. Where as Brad Pitt does the complete opposite by trying to duck and wive to be covered by the rain and by doing this gets knocked and pushed by the crowd, showing him to be inferior to Morgan Freeman. Morgan's character has experience and power where as Brad Pitt's character from a small quiet town doesn't. By doing this as the audience we are made to subside with Morgan Freeman, as he walks powerfully striding through and Brad not so powerful.

Sound: The sound used is all natural sounds: rain, police sirens, traffic and people. At the start of the movie when Morgan Freeman is getting ready for work we hear the sounds of sirens, traffic rain and people outside. This mixed with his television and all the noises he is making getting ready it makes a massive jumble of mixed noises creating a busy and frantic atmosphere. This could symbolise Morgan's characters life style in the way he is always busy and working and never has a moments piece.

Throughout out the film it rains constantly till the end scene of the film. Rain symbolises cleansing, just like cleansing of the crime scene and cleaning up the city as Moragn and Brad try to do throughout.
We see Morgan Freeman's bed sheets grey and boring with no personality, we see him as the Portaganist of themovie, stereotypically alone to fight against the killer and the world (etc).

Evaluation: I love the movie se7en, and its opening is brilliantly captivating epsecially its opneing credits. The directing of the film is really interesting in how he represents the differnt characters, especially the killer at the end however I won't spoil it for people who havn't seen it! But its a interesting root he went down when deciding how the audience should feel about the chracters, with mixed emotions for Bradd Pitt and the killer at the end.

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