Friday 23 October 2009

Introduction to Prelim Task (1st)

The task:
We had to film a journey of our choice. The journey could be what ever we wanted it to be, we had to as creative as possible with our shot range. The whole point of the task was to get comfortable with the cameras so when it comes round to filming our horror films we have a bit of experience.
Setting up camera: When we first got the camera we learnt the basic of how to set it up: putting in the tape, making sure the sound was on, how to play back, how to put it on to the tripod and how to make the camera level.
Choosing a journey: We decided as a group as we didn't have a lot of time to film the prelim task as we had to account for human error to choose the journey quickly. So we chose to start on the school field and show a journey to the toilet.
Filming the journey: When we started to film the journey on the field we wanted a interesting way of showing the location where we starting our journey. So we decided to open up with a pan of our area ending up at myself who would be making the journey, i thought the shot was effective and more interesting than a mid shot or a close up. The next part of the journey we tried to make interesting by using variety of different shots, using a POV, high angle shots and close ups. However when we watched the play back at the end when we finally got finished it wasn't as entertaining as we thought it would be, I think it was because even though we used good shot variation each frame lasted for to long, it felt like when watching it back you were waiting for each shot to end.
Over all comments: Next time I would like to improve on the shot times making sure they don't go on for to long. If my ending thriller film has good variation of shots and suitable time limits on each one then it will make my opening more interesting.

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