Monday 2 November 2009

Target Audiences

A thriller as a genre has its own target audience. I would think that the majority of people that watch thrillers are from teenagers upwards, I don't think that younger children would want to watch a high tension complex thriller to a disney movie for example. However certain thrillers are aimed at percific people:

Death Proof - For example, 'Death Proof' (2007) I feel is aimed at a certain group of people. The movie is full of good looking under dressed girls and full on fast car violence. In one scene the leading male Kurt Russle gets a lap dance off of a drunken half naked young girl, deffinantly atracting a male audience, also includig references to drugs and sex. I feel this movie is aimed at Male teens to late 20's, it has all the stereotypical likes of a young male. When writing and directing for what was to put on to the screen I feel Quentin Tarantino was creating the movie for that type of audience.

However if you compare this to another thriller movie like 'The Davinci Code' then the target audience changes. 'The Davinci Code' is a smart intelligent mature religious thriller and is based on a best selling novel. I highly doubt that the target audience for this movie is the same as 'Death Proof', I would say that this movie as it is more maturer it will be for a older audience and will attract people of culture and intelligence, so you can imagine the content of the film will be more challenging for the audience to watch. This would also appeal to people of religion and people with interest in art and books, where as 'Death Proof' does not show any signs of wanting to attract that type pf audience.

Depending on the content of the thriller the target audience can change completely, it depends on what type of people the writer, director and the producers want to attract to. Thhis will also see a massive difference in advertising between movies of a different target audience.

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